~ Welcome to the IAM process ~
~ Welcome to the IAM process ~
The purpose of the IAM process is to empower individuals
The purpose of the IAM process is to empower individuals
to create inner healing and wholeness....
to create inner healing and wholeness....
The goal of the IAM process is to identify thoughts and feelings as energy patterns that may be easily transformed to facilitate integration with the higher self which is Spirit.
The goal of the IAM process is to identify thoughts and feelings as energy patterns that may be easily transformed to facilitate integration with the higher self which is Spirit.
Inner Healing
Inner Healing
Inner healing of old patterns and ways of being has become essential to those seeking higher consciousness and a greater realization of an authentic identity.
Inner healing of old patterns and ways of being has become essential to those seeking higher consciousness and a greater realization of an authentic identity.
IAM is short for Integration Awareness Metapsychology. Integration through the process of awareness: Metapsychology as a metapyhsical approach to psychology.
IAM is short for Integration Awareness Metapsychology. Integration through the process of awareness: Metapsychology as a metapyhsical approach to psychology.
The words form the acronym IAM....
IAM is an ancient sacred word that means I AM that I AM,
the name of God, which is our true identity.
The words form the acronym IAM....
IAM is an ancient sacred word that means I AM that I AM,
the name of God, which is our true identity.
The IAM process is a metaphysical approach to inner healing based on the understanding that consciousness is energy and may be accessed through the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies.
The IAM process is a metaphysical approach to inner healing based on the understanding that consciousness is energy and may be accessed through the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies.
Once the energy information is accessed and the patterns identified it is possible to easily transform the energy to a higher vibrational pattern that supports inner healing and wholeness.
Once the energy information is accessed and the patterns identified it is possible to easily transform the energy to a higher vibrational pattern that supports inner healing and wholeness.
The IAM process may be experienced as a client in sessions
with a Certified Metapsychology Facilitator,
or as a student learning to work with his/her own energy system.
The IAM process may be experienced as a client in sessions
with a Certified Metapsychology Facilitator,
or as a student learning to work with his/her own energy system.