IAM process Workshops

There are four levels of workshops that comprise the foundational program for the basic IAM process. These levels are designed as self empowerment for your own inner process of healing and wholeness. All levels include methods to balance and clear negative energies and centering techniques to integrate body-mind-spirit.

Level One - Introduction to the IAM process: An introduction to thoughts and feelings as energy and the model of Integration Awareness Metapsychology with energetic patterns. Participants will experience going within and identifying patterns and transforming the energy.

Level Two - Introduction to Kinesiology: Includes an overview of the development of the art and science of kinesiology and an introduction to self –testing with Advanced Integral Kinesiology. Ample experiential time is allowed for the practice of self-testing energetic patterns and new methods to transform energy.

Level Three - Basics of the IAM process: Now that the student is able to identify and test the patterns, a basic energetic response is taught for each pattern as well as specific energetic exercises for each of the four lower bodies: physical, mental, emotional and etheric.

Level Four - Application of the IAM process: Each student will participate in the complete process of identification, testing, and transformation of the energetic patterns of consciousness. An effective method of documentation of energy information is presented and practiced. Methods of mind-body medicine for stress reduction.

Advanced levels of the IAM process---Requirement for attendance:

successful completion of four basic levels and documentation of inner process work.

* Sponsor a workshop in your area and receive free attendance *

* New! * Afternoon Classes Featuring Energy Methods *

      Used as Adjunctive to the IAM process

~ Balancing the Energy in the Four Lower bodies

Physical —grounded

          Mental — connected

                    Emotional — balanced

                             Etheric — centered 

Learn the symptoms of being out of balance and the specific energy exercise for each of the four lower bodies to assist your energetic integration that is the basis of healing.

~ Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine

 Experience three methods of Energy Psychology &learn guidelines for application.

    EFT--Emotional Freedom Technique—Gary Craig

       WHEE--wholistic hybrid of EFT and EMDR—Daniel Benor, MD. PhD

        IAM Free--synthesis of IAM process & WHEE concepts—Morningstar, RN, HNC, CMF

~ Mind-Body Medicine

Methods as taught by Dr James Gordon of the Center for Mind Body Medicine in Washington ,DC. Experience the mind-body connection through

Guided Imagery

          Meditation techniques

                    Autogenic training

Class also includes reference materials and methods taught Holistic Physicians

by Dr. Gordon.

Please check with the National Center for Metapsychology (NCM) at Info@IAMprocess.com for times and dates or to sponsor all three classes being given in your area as an introduction to the IAM process. 

Smaller classes are also given in Montana through Mountain Meadows Healing Arts  406-223-6015.