I have been a client of Mary Ann’s for the past 4-5 years and have become her student to learn the IAM process. It has been a great benefit to my life. It has allowed me to work through and release many energy blocks and transform numerous negative conditions that had adversely affected my life.
This process has also helped me to become more successful in my business by clearing obstacles to growth. I have benefited in my family life also by transforming conflicts, emotions and feelings that had been a block to better relationships with my wife, children, and relatives.
I would highly recommend your participation in the IAM process as a means to a well rounded, more real life experience.
Jon Olsen, Businessman
Sacramento, CA.
The IAM process work has assisted me in significant ways over the past few years of study and application. When I first began this inner processing work I thought I was pretty together, and I was according to some standards.
A person needs to be pretty healthy in ones own psychology to pursue the deeper levels of integration with one’s divine or higher identity. I had been pursuing the study of higher levels of consciousness for at least 20 years but still had stumbling blocks to my inner happiness and peace of mind.
I wanted to remove those blocks so I could be a better person and example to my children and others.
This inner work is basically realizing who you are, which in the ultimate sense is a spiritual being with great potential, who you are not, which is a wounded or dysfunctional flawed human, and taking responsibility for changing ones’consciousness through energy transformation techniques.
All of us are a mixed bag of thought, feeling and belief patterns which constitute our conscious awareness of self. In the IAM process work, thoughts, feelings and beliefs are identified as energy patterns and the unhealthy aspects are transformed to promote this deep inner healing.
Only what the soul is ready for is addressed and the process is safe and co-creative, meaning the practitioner and client work together to address what is of concern.
As I progressed with the work, I experienced a greater understanding of how I was able to take responsibility in creating a healthier identity of myself by watching my thoughts and feelings and being empowered to make the changes that had been limiting me for so long.
I now enjoy a deeper level of peace than ever before and I have a heightened awareness so I can quickly recognize when I am off track.
One of the most beautiful things I learned is that our natural state is joy, love, gratitude and inner peace. We can choose to attain and sustain this level of consciousness by re-patterning and controlling our thoughts and feelings.
I liked the work so much that I decided to become a student. It has helped me to be that ‘better’ person and this has made a positive impact on my family and my daily life.
K. M., Mother and Businesswoman
Emigrant, Montana
I have been using the IAM process for 3 years now and have moved in consciousness in leaps and bounds. This process has afforded me faster and greater growth than any other form of inner work that I have done….and I have tried various methods of counseling and energy work.
The process is for those who have already come to a strong level of growth and desire greater integration. I have found the IAM process truly self-empowering. Also, for the first time I have finally found a Kinesiology system with excellent built in safe guards that I can truly trust: it is known as Advanced Integral Kinesiology and is an integral part of the IAM process.
This work has truly afforded me a greater integration of body, mind and soul!
Thank you from the depth of my heart for all your dedication and hard work, Mary Ann.
Best Regards,
Richard Mead, Q.V.R.B., C.M.T.
RicHeart Therapy, LLC, Bozeman, Montana
My husband of 20 years announced to me one night that he could no longer be married to me because he had met his soul mate. I felt I had failed and my sense of self was destroyed. We had always been dedicated to family and to have my family break apart was like a surrealistic dream.
A huge door came slamming shut in my life but an even bigger window was opened for me. I had heard of the I AM process through a friend who spoke very highly about it. She told me how transformational the work is and I knew it was a lifeline I needed to grab onto. I was in constant anguish and pain. After my first session, even though I cried through the whole thing, I felt tremendous hope.
Through the three years that have passed since then, I can truly say that I have been transformed. I thought I was going to the session to have someone "fix me" but instead I have learned how to recognize real and unreal states of consciousness within me and transform them myself. I can say that I am not the same person that walked into that session three years ago.
The strength, self awareness, clarity, self acceptance and joy that I feel now is due to this amazing process of self observation, healing and genuine personal growth. It is so powerful because it is done through one's own higher, authentic self and through attunement with the heart.
Through the process I was able to let go of pain and anger and experience tremendous growth at an accelerated rate which is still continuing. I have overcome lifelong fears and feel like I am climbing out of a pit where I had been buried with emotional debris for much of my life.
There is such strength that comes from being centered in the authentic self and such joy in emotional freedom that it affects all aspects of life and spills out in being on fire for one's chosen service to the world.
D.M. - Montessori Teacher - Livingston, MT