Mountain Meadows Healing Arts

Mary Ann Morningstar, RN, HNC, CMF

Mary Ann is a Board Certified Holistic Nurse and a Certified Metapsychology Facilitator. Her background includes 16 years of critical care nursing, and 18 years study and practice of holistic healing methods: personal growth and development, energy medicine, energy healing and mind-body-medicine.

Teaching people to understand consciousness as energy is Mary Ann’s primary passion. Her joy is to empower individuals to access their own energy systems and assist them to reach their full potential. Mary Ann believes that Spirit in each person is the true Inner Healer: the Facilitator is simply the vessel to assist the process of inner healing.

She is a graduate of both the Professional Training Program and Advanced Training Program of the Center for Mind Body Medicine in Washington, DC, conducted by Dr James S. Gordon. Dr Gordon is a Harvard trained Psychiatrist. 

He was the first chairman of the President’s Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, when studies began through the National Institute of Health. CMBM Org

Holistic Nursing is another passion for Mary Ann. She believes when she discovered the American Holistic Nurses Association that she finally came “home”…and coming home allowed her to bring together a lifetime of education and experience. AHNA Org.  

She was certified through the Birchtree Center for Healthcare Transformation as an Instructor and taught Holistic Nursing to Montana Nurses in 2000/2001. Birchtree Center

With a background of varied kinesiology methods, such as Behavioral Kinesiology by John Diamond, MD, Total Body Modification by Victor Frank, DC, Touch for Health, John Thie, DC, Educational Kinesiology by Paul Dennison PhD, as well as a working knowledge of Applied Kinesiology.

Mary Ann developed Advanced Integral Kinesiology: a heart centered method of kinesiology with specific protocols to insure accuracy. She is also the Founder of the IAM process and President of the National Center for Metapsychology, Inc. 

Clients from across the United States and abroad have benefited from the IAM process during the past 15 years. Clients fly into to Paradise Valley for Intensives lasting from one to three weeks. Local clients may have appointments at a more leisurely pace.